Community Health Fair: Sun. Oct. 7, 2018

>Home >Media >News >Community Health Fair: Sun. Oct. 7, 2018

Our Health & Temperance Ministries Presents... 


Our Annual Community Health Fair on Sunday, October 7, 11 am to 4 pm!


Come and Enjoy the Following Healthy Activities and Take Action on Your Health Today - Everything Absolutely Free! 


Hydrotherapy Sessions!

Chiropractic Analyses!

Health Age Tests!

Chair Massages! 

Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Screenings!

Height and Weight Checks! 

Peak Flow (Lung Capacity) Tests!

Harvard Step Tests! 

Disaster Preparedness Session!

Self Defense Demo!

Healthy Cooking Demo! 

Kid's Activities and More! 

You Don't Want to Miss Anything!